"To his majesty, Don Pedro, Duke of Braganza regent in the name of h. m. f. majesty, queen of Portugal, this plate representing the glorious achievement of admiral Napier, C. B. by the total defeat & capture of the miguelite squadron, off cape St. Vicent on the 5 July 1833, is most dedicated by his majesty's very obedt. humble servant W. J. Huggins".
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"To his majesty, Don Pedro, Duke of Braganza regent in the name of h. m. f. majesty, queen of Portugal, this plate representing the glorious achievement of admiral Napier, C. B. by the total defeat & capture of the miguelite squadron, off cape St. Vicent on the 5 July 1833, is most dedicated by his majesty's very obedt. humble servant W. J. Huggins".
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"To his majesty, Don Pedro, Duke of Braganza regent in the name of h. m. f. majesty, queen of Portugal, this plate representing the glorious achievement of admiral Napier, C. B. by the total defeat & capture of the miguelite squadron, off cape St. Vicent on the 5 July 1833, is most dedicated by his majesty's very obedt. humble servant W. J. Huggins".
Datas descritivas
1834, Julho, 24
Dimensão e suporte
1 estampa, cor, 524x774.
Âmbito e conteúdo
Contém legenda.Publicado por W. J. Huggins.
Termos de indexação / palavras-chave
Estampas; Operações; Liberalismo; 1833; Huggins, W. J.; 1834; Bragança, duque; Pedro, D.; São Vicente, cabo
Idioma e escrita